Our Common Goal
Is Your Health

Dr. Gabriel Grabowski

Specialist for Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine

Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Gabriel Grabowski

Dr. Gabriel Grabowski Specialist for Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine born on 07.06. 1963 in Buenos Aires /Argentina.

After graduating from high school in Nuremberg, he studied medicine at the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) and at the Julius Maximilian University in Würzburg.
During his studies, he spent substantial time abroad in various hospitals such as the Jerusalem-Hadassah University Hospital (Israel) and the Hospital Andino del Alto Chicama (Peru).

After completing his medical studies, Dr. Grabowski initially worked in surgery for 1.5 years. He then changed to internal medicine, first to gastroenterology, then to intensive care medicine and finally to pulmonary medicine.
After completing his specialist training as an internist, he continued his training as a lung specialist.

Since September 2001, Dr. Grabowski has successfully operated a practice for internal medicine and pulmonary medicine in Nuremberg.
As of May 2022 he has opened a second office as a lung specialist, in cooperation with the internist Dr. Lorenzo da Silva in La Cala de Mijas Spain.
In December 2022 he opened a further location as internist and lung specialist in cooperation with the Vogue Clinic in Estepona.

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Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Preventive Health Care

With the combination of internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and targeted preventive health care, our practice stands for holistic patient care. Health is the foundation for a positive quality of life.

Pulmonary Medicine

Lung and respiratory diseases are amongst the most frequent internal medical problems. Even today, these are often diagnosed too late, which limits the therapeutic options, as the progression of the disease leads to functional disorders that can no longer be completely cured. The most common lung diseases include:

Internal Medicine

In internal medicine, our focus lies on general preventive health care, which centers around avoiding the development of diseases or detecting them at an early, easier treatable stage. Our goal is an early diagnosis and optimal medical care.

The human being in the center

The focus of our efforts is on your individual self and thus on maintaining and restoring your health.
Despite advances in medical technology, our practice philosophy places the intensive physican/patient relationship at the center of all diagnostic and therapeutic efforts.

Our Common Goal:

Creating a concept to maintain and promote your health.

Our Common Path:

Determination of your current health – fitness situation and identification of health risk factors. Internal medicine combined with pulmonary medicine and preventive health care enables a comprehensive diagnosis.

Early detection offers the best chance of cure. We support our holistic approach to diagnostics with state-of-the-art technology. We offer a wide range of services with prevention, diagnostics and therapy in a comfortable ambience.

Health Care

General internal examination: 

Our Range Of Services

Contact Us

Vogue Clinic - Estepona

Clínica La Cala de Mijas